


GIS Terrain Loader Pro is a Runtime-Editor plugin that gives you the ability to import geographic data directly into Unity Engine, it's designed to load not only Real World Terrains data but also any supported customized terrain data exported from any GIS applications or external terrain generators (GlobalMapper, QGIS ,WorldMachin, ArcGIS ,SAS.Planet..etc). 

GIS Data downloader Pro

GIS Data Downloader Pro in a short term is a professional tool designed to facilitate the downloading of geographic information system (GIS) data from various sources for offline use.

gis tERRAIN lOADER standard

This is the standard version of GIS Terrain Loader Pro.

Terrain Streaming System V2

Terrain Streaming is a Unity plugin designed to generate a huge Geo-referenced real world close to the reality environments.

Thanks to multiple synchronized functions and sectors intersection, the plugin is able to load the real world data (DEM-Raster-Vector) in a smart behavior to dynamically load and unload terrains around the player.

Using the plugin gives us the ability to generate high terrains resolution and easily manage arbitrary amounts of terrain in real-world terrain simulation and open-world video games all in offline mode.

GIS Data downloader

Getting high quality data is essential for any GIS task, for this we developed GIS Data Downloader which is a Unity plugin basically designed to download Real World data for offline using purpose.